How to Wear Crystal Bracelets

How to Wear Crystal Bracelets For Good Luck?

Wearing a crystal bracelet is an excellent way to harness and carry the power of crystals everywhere. So whether you’re hoping for love, good health, or success, wearing a crystal bracelet can improve your luck.

In recent years, it has been an upward trend to see many people wear crystal bracelets for an intention or as accessories. This article will unveil a few different ways to wear your crystal bracelet and give practical advice on how they benefit you.

Do You Wear Crystal Bracelets on the Left or Right Hand?

The left hand represents receiving, and it is good to wear crystals that have an absorbing nature. In contrast, the right hand symbolises sending, and it is good to wear crystals with a repelling function. Here are some examples:

Left Hand (Receiving) – Amethyst, Jade, Citrine, Tiger Eye, Quartz, Green Phantom, Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli

Right Hand (Sending) – Amber, Black Obsidian, Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Shugite, Flourite, Hematite, Sugilite

How To Wash and Cleanse Crystal Bracelets?

There are specific steps you can take to cleanse your bracelet. There are many crystal cleansing methods, and water is the most common. It can help wash off any dirt and works well in re-energizing the crystals. However, you should never use soap or chemicals on a gemstone because it can damage the stone’s natural shine, so always use a gentle brush instead.

How Many Crystal Bracelets Can You Wear at One Time?

There is no hard and fast rule to limit the number of bracelets you can wear simultaneously. Nonetheless, it does not suggest the more you wear, the better it is. It is always good to start by wearing one at a time and observe the energy effect on you.

crystal bracelets


Can You Wear Different Types of Crystals?

It depends on the individual because some people are sensitive to energies, so wearing multiple crystals might magnify the effect, and the wearer might be overwhelmed.

What Is The Meaning When The Crystal Bracelet Gets Broken?

When you wear the bracelet, and it breaks suddenly, it could mean an incompatibility between the crystal energy and yours. However, in the Chinese culture, many people believe it helps you avert misfortune.

Can You Let Other People Touch Your Crystals?

In general, it is best not to let other people touch your crystal because they are sensitive to energy. If someone feels or holds your crystal, they might leave their energy behind, regardless if it is a negative or positive one.

If this situation happens, don’t worry, you need to cleanse your crystal brackets again.



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CrystalsHow to Wear Crystal Bracelets For Good Luck in Life?