
iron tree plant feng shui

3 Unspoken Iron Tree Plant Placement Rules For Good Feng Shui

The Iron Tree plant, Dracaena Fragrans 铁树, is a popular houseplant that has been widely used in Chinese culture for centuries as a symbol of good fortune. Besides that, it is believed to ward off bad luck and is easy to maintain.

Many people are unaware of the reasoning behind iron tree placement in Feng Shui. Although it is one of the most common items in a house, many people do not realise the vital piece of the puzzle. You need to strategically place the plant to maximise the effect for good Feng Shui.

Where and When Should We Place an Iron Tree Plant?

If you face some Feng Shui challenges that you cannot change, placing this particular plant at home can help mitigate the situation based on your intention.

1. Place Iron Tree Plant Outside The Main Door For Protection

Iron tree plants are powerful tools for defending your home from negative energy. Many believe this plant can absorb and repel negative energies that can cause stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. In addition, these plants can also help protect your home from external influences, such as sharp wall corners and front door openings.

With the correct placement of an iron tree plant, you can create more positive energy in your home and increase its protection against external forces.

2. Natural Resolution Against Internal Bad Forms

The iron plant tree is ideal for covering internal structures that generate poison arrows. Its vast size makes it an excellent option for wall corners and large open spaces, providing an effective barrier against the danger of poison arrows. Furthermore, its lush foliage also provides a pleasant aesthetic to any interior space.

With its ability to absorb toxins and purify the air, the iron plant tree is an excellent choice for any home or office environment looking to reduce the risk of exposure to poison arrows.

3. Place in the Optimal Sector To Attract Good Fortune

Some Feng Shui enthusiasts believed that you should place the iron plant trees or any other natural plants in specific house sectors for good luck. They are the East, South, Southeast and north sectors of the house because it is closely associated with their Feng Shui element.

Why Some People Advocate Against Placing Iron Plant Tree at Home?

However, another group of practitioners advise against placing this plant at home. They believe it is bad Feng Shui and has some taboos. Here are some of them:

– Do not place it on the balcony because it can affect the light source and energy flow coming into the house. A bright living room can bring good luck to the family, while a dark one negatively impacts health.

– Do not place it in the bedroom because it can negatively affect your sleep quality.

Does Iron Tree Plant Need Sunlight?

Iron tree plants are unique trees adapted to survive in low-light conditions. They don’t need direct sunlight to thrive but light to grow and photosynthesize.

While they can survive in total darkness, they will not grow as quickly or as healthy without some light. Iron tree plants can thrive with indirect sunlight or artificial lighting, perfect for indoor gardens and office spaces.



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Lifestyle3 Unspoken Iron Tree Plant Placement Rules For Good Feng Shui