
west facing house feng shui

West Facing House Feng Shui – Should I Buy Or Miss?

There are many opinions on whether a west facing house is good or bad feng shui. Some people believe a west-facing place can bring its occupants prosperity and good fortune. But most of us think it will bring them bad luck, misfortune, and illness. Therefore, it all depends on the person’s perception of what they believe to be true.

In addition, it is crucial to consider the orientation of your home when considering the purchase. It is because the direction of your home can have a significant impact on your lifestyle and well-being. For example, many people avoid choosing west facing house because it is terrible Feng Shui, which many of us already know.

Therefore, people usually shy away from buying homes with such an orientation. That is especially true in Singapore because we face the afternoon sun’s heat all year. It is even worse if the sun directly affects the living room or bedroom because the accumulated heat makes people uncomfortable.

4 Top Reasons Why You Should Not Choose a West Facing House

Many practitioners believe that the best Feng Shui house is one facing East, while the worst is West facing home. West-facing houses may be unlucky because they get less sunlight during the daytime. It is because the sun sets in a West-facing house earlier than in other directions.

It also means that as the sun sets, it will cast shadows on the house and lower its energy level. In addition, there are fewer natural light sources in a west-facing house during the daytime, which can cause occupants to feel depressed or lethargic.

So let’s explore why a house with this orientation is not desirable to stay in, in the view of Feng Shui and practical use.

1. Increased Rate of Wear and Tear

Due to the long-term exposure to the sun, west facing houses are more likely to have higher rates of wear and tear.

In the long period, the house’s furniture, curtains, and flooring will fade off under the strong influence of ultraviolet rays and sunlight.

west facing house bad feng shui


2. Increase in Cost of living

The heat from the sun increases the house’s temperature, resulting in a higher utilisation rate of indoor equipment, like refrigerators and higher consumption of air conditioning. All these effects will increase your electric bill.

3. Discomfort Causes Disharmony 

Household members staying in such a house get bad temper quickly, and it might affect the relationship. Moreover, it can affect the emotional and physical health conditions in the long run.

4. Poor Wind Ventilation

It has poorer wind ventilation than the North-South-facing units in such a situation.

In conclusion, it is best to include the house’s orientation as a selection criterion for choosing your new home. Besides, it would be best to consider the external and internal factors during house hunting.

Investing in a solar film might be a good idea if you have no choice and already live in a west-facing house. They can help minimize the amount of heat and UV gained through the transmission of sunlight while still allowing natural light to come in.



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Home & DecorIs West Facing House Good or Bad Feng Shui? (Buy Or Miss)