mirror in a dining room

Useful Feng Shui Tips to Have Mirror in a Dining Room

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese concept that helps us to create a harmonious and balanced environment in every room with positive energy. Therefore, besides paying attention to the three most important areas, the main door, kitchen and master bedroom, you should also take care of the decor in the dining room.

For example, some people believe that having a mirror in a dining room can bring good luck and prosperity. But, it’s essential to consider the placement of the mirror and its size before making this decision.

In short, the placement of the mirror should be such that it reflects positive energy and not negative energy from outside sources. Let’s explore the Feng Shui principles if you plan to install a mirror in a dining room.

What Are The Pros of Having Mirror in a Dining Room?

A mirror in the dining room can be a great addition to any home. Apart from being aesthetically pleasing, it also has several benefits.

1. Create a Visually Bigger Space

Mirrors can make spaces appear more extensive, which is especially useful in small dining rooms. They can also help to create a more inviting atmosphere by reflecting light and adding depth to the room.

In addition, it is an excellent idea to have a mirror in a small dining room, making it feel more open and spacious.

2. Brighten The Space

Mirrors can make spaces appear more extensive, which is especially useful in small dining rooms. They can also help to create a more inviting atmosphere by reflecting light and adding depth to the room.

In addition, it is an excellent idea to have a mirror in a small dining room, making it feel more open and spacious.

3. Doubling Effect

In some Feng Shui practices, people believe placing a mirror reflecting your dining table symbolizes doubling the amount of food, meals and symbols of abundance. However, we must be mindful of putting the right things on the table. For example, avoid placing receipts, bills, etc., because it symbolizes doubling debts and money outflow.

mirror in a dining room feng shui


What Are The Cons of Having a Mirror in Dining Room?

On the other hand, having a mirror in the dining room can be problematic because it disrupts the energy flow in the room if not placed correctly. In this article, we will discuss some potential cons of having a mirror in a dining room according to Feng Shui principles.

4. Overcrowding and Distraction

Dining rooms are often a home’s focal point, so you should design this space with style and functionality in mind. Unfortunately, adding too many objects to a dining room can create an overstimulating environment. For example, mirrors can be a great addition to any space; however, if there is too much visual clutter reflected in the mirror, it can create an overwhelming feeling of overstimulation in the room.

In addition, eating together as a family is an integral part of any home, but having a mirror in the dining room can be distracting and disruptive. It can lead to a lack of focus during meal times, making it difficult for individuals to fully enjoy their food and engage in meaningful conversation with one another. Mirrors in the dining room can also create an atmosphere of anxiety and self-consciousness, which can negatively impact the overall dining experience.

5. Undesirable Feeling

Mirrors can be powerful tools in our everyday lives and the world of psychology. However, using a mirror design such as mirror tiles that distort reflections can lead to visual distortions and misperceptions, which may affect how people perceive themselves or others in a room.

As a result, it can cause discomfort or unease due to these misperceptions, leading people to question the accuracy of the mirror’s reflection.

How To Decorate The Dining Room With Mirror?

Mirrors are a great way to spruce up any room, but if you want to use one in your dining room, it’s crucial to adhere to Feng Shui’s guidelines. Here are some tips to follow:

6. Avoid 2 Mirrors Facing Each Other  

Placing two mirrors directly across from each other can cause an unsettling feeling of confusion and disorientation. It is due to the energy bouncing back and forth between the mirrors, creating a chaotic atmosphere. To avoid this issue, consider placing mirrors around the room or adding other decorative elements to break up the reflection.

7. Don’t Place A Mirror Facing The Window Directly  

One of the most important rules is never to place a mirror directly across from a window. This position can create overwhelming light and glare, making it difficult to enjoy your meal or even causing indigestion.

Additionally, it can disrupt energy flow throughout your home, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. By following this simple rule, you can ensure that your home remains comfortable and inviting for everyone who enters.


In conclusion, your dining room is much more than just a dining room. It’s a space to connect with friends and family and share stories, laughs, and memories. But, it is also a reflection of you; the furniture, decoration and art that adorn the walls tell stories about your tastes, interests, and experiences.

So, it is good to take care of mirror in a dining room because it has both positive and negative effects.



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Home & DecorUseful Feng Shui Tips to Have Mirror in a Dining Room