water fountain feng shui

10 Useful Water Fountain Feng Shui Tips For Good Fortune

Water fountains are widely known as the Feng Shui symbols of wealth and abundance to attract positive energy into your living or working space.

Many people love using water fountains in Feng Shui adjustments at home because they bring in the water element, symbolising wealth and prosperity.

The water fountains come in various designs and styles. For example, it includes tabletop, standing, wall-mounted and many others. If you already have or are planning to get one, you should know how to position your water fountain to attract beneficial energy correctly.

Here are some water fountain rules and guidelines you should follow.

1. Ensure The Water Is Flowing Inwards

If you are placing a water fountain near your main entrance, ensure the water flows inwards into the house. The flow of water inwards, rather than outwards, in a water fountain is a deliberate choice in Feng Shui. The inward-flowing water symbolizes the accumulation of wealth, prosperity, and positive energy within a space. On the other hand, if the water is flowing outwards, it represents sending away your wealth.

This concept aligns with the principle of harnessing and preserving vital energy, known as Chi energy, in Feng Shui practices.

2. Movement Means Good Water Fountain Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, you should always keep the water in a water fountain flowing. Non-moving water creates stagnant energy unfavourable in a household or space.

By keeping the water flowing, the movement of energy is encouraged, creating a more vibrant and positive atmosphere.

However, it is essential to note that periodic water fountain maintenance is necessary, which may involve temporarily stopping the water flow. During such care, it is advisable to ensure that the fountain is clean and carry out any essential repairs promptly to maintain the beneficial effects of the fountain’s flow.

3. Water Fountain in Bedroom is Bad Feng Shui

It is generally advised against having a water fountain in the bedroom according to Feng Shui principles. Bedrooms are spaces for rest and rejuvenation, and a water fountain may introduce excessive movement and sound, disrupting sleep and creating an overly active environment.

In addition, we associate the water element with emotions, and having a water feature in the bedroom may cause an imbalance or excessive emotional energy that can interfere with restful sleep.

water fountain feng shui


4. Avoid Placing Water Fountain in Bathroom

The bathroom is a space with the presence of water. So if you add a water fountain, it may create an excessive water element, disrupting the balance of energies in the space.

In addition, the bathroom is a space where we eliminate filth and unwanted energy. Hence, a water fountain may not align with the area’s intended purpose.

Therefore, you are strongly advised to keep the bathroom clean, well-ventilated, and free from excessive water features or other elements that may interfere with its primary function.

5. Place In The East For Growth

Place a water fountain in the East sector of your home to promote good health and relationship because the East represent the Wood element, and water nourishes and strengthens Wood.

As the water fountain gently flows, it activates the energy of the East, promoting personal growth, thriving and harmonious family life. In addition, the soothing sound of the water creates a serene atmosphere, promoting relaxation and a sense of tranquillity in your home.

6. No Water Fountain Under The Staircase

The staircase represents downward energy flow, while the water from a fountain symbolizes uplifting energy. Therefore, if you position a water fountain under the stairs, the energy of the flowing water may be disrupted or suppressed by the staircase. This configuration can create an imbalance and hinder the beneficial energy flow in that area.

7. Don’t Place Water Fountain in Kitchen

Introducing a water fountain belonging to the water element in the kitchen creates a clash of elements. Fire and water are opposing forces, and their combination may disrupt the balance of energy in this vital area of the home.

Furthermore, water fountains create moisture or humidity, which you might want to avoid in a food preparation area in the kitchen.

8. Choose a Water Fountain of Appropriate Size

Feng Shui is about balance, so when selecting a water fountain for your home, you must consider the proportion and size of the fountain and your house. Choosing an oversized water fountain can be imbalanced and overwhelmingly affect your space’s overall aesthetic and energy.

In addition, oversized water fountains may not fit properly within the available space, leading to potential obstruction or safety hazards. It can also impede movement or block critical pathways, which causes inconvenience to the occupants.

9. Do Not Place Water Element in the South

You should avoid all water features, such as fountains or ponds, symbolizing the water element in the south sector of your home.

The fire element govern the south, so bringing a water element into this area may clash with the dominant fire energy and create an energy imbalance.

10. Choose The Right Water Fountain Design

It is good to get a simple water fountain design with no sharp corners, symbolizing poison arrows. In addition, such designs allow water to flow gently instead of rushing.



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Home & Decor10 Useful Water Fountain Feng Shui Tips For Good Fortune