bedside table feng shui

4 Bedside Table Feng Shui Tips To Create Harmonious Bedroom

Whenever coming to bedroom Feng Shui, the focal point will always be the bed placement and your favourable sleeping direction. Many people often neglect the importance of bedside tables. Every piece of furniture in the bedroom plays a part in creating a good Feng Shui room.

Here are some approaches to Bedside table Feng Shui:

1. Say Bye to the Clutter

A messy bedside table is closely associated with a cluttered mind. Therefore, clearing unnecessary items like electronic equipment, clothes, toys, or any random objects away from the table is advisable.

This good practice will help create a clutterless and serene environment to improve sleep quality that allows you to have a restful night.

2. Choose The Right Type of Bedside Table

An ideal choice is a bedside table design with round corners. This design will help to minimize any accidents that the sharp corners might inflict. On the other hand, a bedside table with a sharp-edged corner will create a poison arrow that causes bad energy if directed at your face.

3. Get The Right Height

How do you feel if your bedside table is higher than your bed? Will you feel oppressed? The table is preferred to be lower than the height of the mattress on the bed. It is to avoid accidental knocks at the edge of the bedside table.

2 bedside table feng shui


4. Make it a Double to create Symmetry and Balance

Some practitioners believe that having one bedside table can negatively affect the balance of energy in your love life. You can consider having two identical bedside tables to create a harmonized space to improve your relationship.

This configuration might be challenging for some people with limited bedroom space where the room can only accommodate one bed, and no space for the bedside table. It is also impractical to squeeze the table to adhere to this Feng Shui rule, which might worsen things.

Don’t fret. Ensure your bed follows the fundamental Feng Shui principle and place it in the optimal command position.



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