eagle symbol feng shui

Eagle Symbol Meaning and 6 Placement For Terrific Feng Shui

For centuries, people have regarded the eagle as the king of the birds that rule the sky. However, this eagle symbol means freedom, triumph and success in the new age of Feng Shui. Thus it is widely used by business owners in their offices for this victorious and auspicious meaning.

That is why you always see this eagle symbol in paintings, display figurines and even the company logo. In addition, you can see this eagle symbol depicted with the spreading of wings. It symbolizes courage to achieve a breakthrough and strength to soar above hardships and overcome obstacles. In Chinese, it also has an auspicious phrase attached which is “大展鸿途”, meaning soaring career and bringing business to new heights.

Besides that, the eagle is also known for its sharp and long-term vision. Therefore, it made it an excellent option to gift those in leadership or management positions.

Is Eagle Symbol Good or Lousy Feng Shui?

The eagle is one of the most potent animal symbols, and its meaning varies depending on how you use it. For example, in Feng Shui, an eagle can be excellent or lousy, depending on how you position the symbol in your house or office.

Many believe the eagle is a good Feng Shui symbol and signifies power, courage, and freedom. These are all things that we desire in our lives.

However, some people also believe that the eagle symbolises terrible Feng Shui because it is a bird of prey with aggressive energy. However, it may be true for some people but only for some.

eagle symbol feng shui item


Where To Place This Eagle Symbol For Good Luck and Success?

1. It is good to place the eagle symbol near to entrances of the premise so that it can watch over the space and offer protection against harmful energies. In addition, it also opens doors to opportunities.

2. You can also place the eagle symbol on your working desk

3. Place it in the south sector representing fame and recognition to improve career luck and get approved for your hard work.

4. Avoid placing it in your bedroom, children’s room, bathroom, altar area or kitchen.

5. If you plan to hang a painting of an eagle, it is good to place it in the living hall or office. Pay attention to the direction of the head facing. It should face outwards of the house instead of inwards.

6. If your house is only for residence purposes, it is preferred to avoid having any ferocious animals, like tigers, lions and even eagle statues or painting at home. Their energies can cause disharmony and conflict in the household. Hence, the eagle symbol is more suitable to be placed in the office space.



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Cures & EnhancersEagle Symbol Meaning and 6 Placement For Excellent Feng Shui