
symbols of happiness

6 Symbols of Happiness and Joy For a Happy Life That Make You Smile

The beginning of the new year always inspires us to come out with resolutions and goals. We want changes and improvements in every aspect of our lives. Of course, the most common ones are financial, career and love but have you thought about bringing more happiness into your life?

In a Chinese culture rich in symbolism, we can bring in these positive vibes using symbols of happiness. When we see these symbols, it reminds us of our aspirations and intention for this upcoming year.

What Are The Symbols of Happiness That Make People Happy?

Undoubtedly, it is the universal natural smile that brings the most happiness. It is contiguous and will make everyone around happy too. However, it might be hard for us to stay comfortable. We can use physical objects with such symbolism to keep us connected with happiness.

1. Double Happiness – Blissful Union

This Chinese calligraphic character is undoubtedly a symbol filled with happiness. It translates to “Double Happiness” It comprises the combination of 2 Chinese characters “, 喜”, usually in red or gold. You always see that as decoration in wedding events to bring up the joyful mood.

sunflower symbol of happiness


2. Sunflower – Radiating Joy and Happiness

The sunflower symbolises happiness and positivity that can uplift someone’s mood by just looking at it. It is an ideal gift for important milestones in our life. Graduations, celebrations for newborns and new business ventures can signify a happy beginning.

3. Lucky Bamboo – The Fortune Plant That Brings Wealth and Cheers

The Chinese believe lucky bamboo is another popular selection that can bring good luck and happiness. Therefore, people usually buy these lucky bamboo as home decor during the Chinese New Year period. They hope this lucky plant will bring them a happy and blessed upcoming year.

You can find them in a different number of stalks that have their specific meaning behind them. For example, if you are looking for happiness, choose five stalks.

4. Magpie – The Bird of Happiness

Birds have rich and deep symbolism in Chinese culture; some come with an auspicious meaning. For example, Magpie (Xi Que – 喜鹊 in Chinese) is the bird to choose if you are seeking happiness. It is closely associated with joy and love.

Some people believe that if a magpie is nesting in your house, it symbolizes good luck is coming. However, in our modern living, it is practically hard to see such a phenomenon, so people choose to buy magpie ornaments as home decoration. They usually come in a pair facing each other because it symbolizes double happiness.

symbol of happiness laughing buddha


5. Laughing Buddha – Spreading Happiness and Abundance

You might already know from the name that this symbol brings happiness and contentment. There are many versions or postures of laughing Buddha. If you are looking for joy, choose the one carrying a sack. It implies he will fill the bag with your burdens and take it away, symbolising a worry-free life.

6. The Mysterious Mystic Knot – Bring Infinite Happiness

This mystic knot combines six infinity symbols with no ending knot. It symbolizes endless good luck and happiness.

You can commonly find this famous knot depicted with popular Feng Shui products like the Ru Yi scepter, Chinese coins and many others. Moreover, you can find it in most Chinese New Year decorations.

In conclusion, if you are a lover of such lucky symbols of happiness, it is crucial not to over-clutter. The right balance is the key to creating a harmonious and happy environment to live or work.



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Cures & Enhancers6 Symbols of Happiness That Bring Smile (You Will Love #2)